Tag Archive for: Easter Foods

Easter is a time of spiritual reflection and celebration along with time for families to come together around the dinner table. From main dishes to sweet treats, here are five mouthwatering Easter food traditions to be enjoyed over the Easter holidays.

1. Roast Lamb

Roast lamb takes centre stage on many Easter tables, symbolizing the arrival of springtime abundance. Succulent and tender, a leg of lamb is often slow-roasted with garlic, rosemary, and other aromatic herbs until it’s perfectly cooked and bursting with flavor. Served alongside seasonal vegetables, roast lamb is to Easter what Turkey & Ham is to Christmas.

2. Hot Cross Buns

Hot cross buns are an Easter staple. These soft, spiced buns, studded with currants or raisins and marked with a symbolic cross on top, are enjoyed throughout the Easter season. Whether served warm with a generous slather of butter or toasted until golden brown, hot cross buns are a comforting treat that adds a touch of sweetness to the holiday festivities.

3. Irish Soda Bread

The traditional Irish soda bread is made with just four ingredients: flour, baking soda, salt, and buttermilk. The light kneading of dough results in a crusty exterior and a tender, moist centre. Whether enjoyed fresh out of the oven or used to mop up gravy from the Easter lamb, Irish soda bread is a beloved staple of Irish cuisine.

4. Simnel Cake

Simnel cake is a traditional Easter fruitcake, enjoyed for centuries but one that seems to be going out of fashion now. A rich layered fruitcake filled with dried fruits and topped with a layer of marzipan, this dessert is adorned with eleven balls to represent the eleven faithful apostles (excluding Judas). Simnel cake is feast for the eyes and taste buds.

5. Easter Eggs

Eggs hold a special place at Easter as they symbolize new life and rebirth. In recent years, chocolate eggs have replaced normal eggs but in the past while people were fasting during lent eggs were one if the foods they fasted from, so were a welcome treat on Easter Sunday.

From succulent roast lamb to sweet and spicy hot cross buns, if you want to enjoy these traditional Easter treats but don’t want the hassle of cooking, pop into The Bailey Bar & Eatery in Enniscorthy where our chefs will do all the hard work for you.